
Note Board

Capture website content with the Chrome extension; Add connections to the notes; Share boards or make them public; Upload files and save them as notes. Try the ...

Note Board

Note Board is a quick and fun way to handle your notes. Draw sticky notes on a virtual cork board or take an instant photo as a memo. Notes and pens are in ...

Note Board

2019年12月28日 — 注意主板是Android版本的Web的:www.noteboardapp.com。 現在,你可以有你與你的Andr​​ oid設備啟用同步便簽。 您可以從手機的照片創建筆記,並看到它 ...

Note Board

2023年12月6日 — You can synchronize notes between chrome installations registering FREE in www.noteboardapp.com. Use the free Android app to access your notes: ...

Note Board - Sticky Notes App

Write notes like sticky notes. Save pages with a screenshot to read later or capture easily any web content. You can drag and resize the sticky notes. new!: use ...

Note Board - Sticky Notes App for Google Chrome

Organize Your Notes With The Note Board - Sticky Notes App. Have you ever wanted to write sticky notes or draw beautiful designs? Have you ever wanted to ...

Note Board Chrome Extension Welcome

Public Boards of Note Board.Productivity app. Save information like a sticky notes. Share boards with your friends.

Note Board Sticky Notes for Google Chrome

2023年9月8日 — Note Board Sticky Notes is a simple and lightweight extension for the Chrome browser. Designed to help you stay organized and remember important ...


CapturewebsitecontentwiththeChromeextension;Addconnectionstothenotes;Shareboardsormakethempublic;Uploadfilesandsavethemasnotes.Trythe ...,NoteBoardisaquickandfunwaytohandleyournotes.Drawstickynotesonavirtualcorkboardortakeaninstantphotoasamemo.Notesandpensarein ...,2019年12月28日—注意主板是Android版本的Web的:www.noteboardapp.com。現在,你可以有你與你的Andr​​oid設備啟用同步便簽。您可以從手機的...